bosom buddies

You could save your buddy's life
or she could save yours.

There are ten million cancer survivors in this country. A startling statistic?
In Texas alone, every 1 1/2 hours of every day, one woman hears what she
has been deathly afraid to hear. That she has breast cancer.

Breast cancer won't touch your life? Millions of other women thought so, too.
Breast cancer wasn't their concern, either. Until it was.

Breast cancer kills. A breast self-examination is one of your best weapons against it.
Sure we make excuses. No time. Keep forgetting. Cancer doesn't run in my family.
But look at it this way. A breast self-examination is simply taking control of your health.

Bosom Buddies.

Every woman is at risk for breast cancer. You, your friends, their friends.
The Cancer Therapy & Research Center created the Bosom Buddies Program©
because they believe friends can help each other.
On the 4th of every month, call your buddy and ask her,
"Did you do your self-exam today?"

Be a buddy and join your friends.
It's simple:

  • Choose a bosom buddy.
  • Check with your buddy on the 4th of every month.
  • If you find a lump, discoloration of the skin, discharge or change in size,
    call your physician or go to a clinic.

Please. Don't be afraid to save your life.

Remember, breast self-examination is one part of a three-part program:
  • 1) Examinations by your physician;
  • 2) Routine screening mammography; and
  • 3) Breast self-examination.

This simple regimen is recommended by major health organizations,
including :

And by your Bosom Buddy.

Bosom Buddies logo and Bosom Buddies Program are concepts of
and Copyrighted properties of CTRC
This page designed for Bosom Buddies by
Lazytd Web Design in memory of
Mary Maurine O'Neal (Deaver) 7/29/14 - 8/8/93